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A) Propriétés remarqua bles dans les systèmes à fortes corrélations
1) Magnétisme
Curie-law crossover in spin liquids R Pohle, LDC Jaubert – arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.11031, 2023
Tensor network variational optimizations for real-time dynamics: application to the time-evolution of spin liquids RT Ponnaganti, M Mambrini, D Poilblanc – arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.13184, 2023
Fractional matter coupled to the emergent gauge field in a quantum spin ice V Porée, H Yan, F Desrochers, S Petit, E Lhotel… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Breaking the chains: extreme value statistics and localization in random spin chains J Colbois, N Laflorencie – arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10574, 2023
Even-odd effects in the $ J_1-J_2 $ SU ($ N $) Heisenberg spin chain L Herviou, S Capponi, P Lecheminant – arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14090, 2023
Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the open XXZ spin chain with non-diagonal boundary terms via Uqsl2 symmetry D Chernyak, AM Gainutdinov, JL Jacobsen, H Saleur – arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09696
Stabilizing electromagnons in CuO under pressure …, A Sacuto, D Colson, T Iijima, M Mochizuki, P Roy… – npj Quantum Materials
Experimental study of spinon-phonon coupling in spin-chain cuprates …, D Bounoua, O Demortier, F Damay, R Saint-Martin… – Physical Review B, 2023
Skyrmion Fluid and Bimeron Glass Protected by a Chiral Spin Liquid on a Kagome Lattice HD Rosales, FAG Albarracín, P Pujol, LDC Jaubert – Physical Review Letters, 2023
Chiral nematic and fluctuation-induced first-order phase transitions in AB-stacked kagome bilayers A Zelenskiy, ML Plumer, BW Southern, ME Zhitomirsky… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Classical fully-packed loop model with attractive interactions on the square lattice …, X Ran, J Rong, Z Yan, GJ Sreejith, ZY Meng, F Alet – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Survival of magnetic correlations above the ordering temperature in the ferromagnetically ordered classical kagome magnet Li 9 Cr 3 (P 2 O 7) 3 (PO 4) 2 R Kumar, A Chakraborty, S Fukuoka, F Damay… – Physical Review B, 2023
Quantum Electrodynamics in 2+ 1 Dimensions as the Organizing Principle of a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet A Wietek, S Capponi, AM Läuchli – arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.01585, 2023
The Classical Heisenberg Model on the Centred Pyrochlore Lattice RP Nutakki, LDC Jaubert, L Pollet – arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11010, 2023
Dipolar-octupolar correlations and hierarchy of exchange interactions in Ce2Hf2O7 V Porée, A Bhardwaj, E Lhotel, S Petit, N Gauthier… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Inhomogeneous magnetic fields interacting with spinful states in a double quantum dot: Evidence for a staggered spin-orbit interaction …, MC Dartiailh, V Vinel, Z Leghtas, A Thiaville… – Physical Review B, 2023
Magneto-optical sensing of the pressure driven magnetic ground states in bulk CrSBr …, CW Cho, M Orlita, M Potemski, MA Measson… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Improving Néel domain walls dynamics and skyrmion stability using He ion irradiation …, A Fassatoui, JP Garcia, V Jeudy, A Thiaville… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Bidirectional photoswitchability in an iron (III) spin crossover complex: Symmetry-breaking and solvent effects R Diaz-Torres, G Chastanet, E Collet, E Trzop… – 2023
Neutron scattering sum rules, symmetric exchanges, and helicoidal magnetism in MnSb2O 6 E Chan, H Lane, J Pásztorová, M Songvilay… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Magnon dispersion in ferromagnetic SrRuO3 K Jenni, S Kunkemöller, A Tewari, RA Ewings, Y Sidis… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Cu3Te2O5 (OH) 4: A Frustrated Two-Dimensional Quantum “Magnetic Raft” as a Possible Pathway to a Spin Liquid T Zhu, B Zhu, O Mentré, S Lee, D Chen, Y Jin, W Zhu… – Chemistry of Materials, 2023
From Early Theories of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interactions in Metallic Systems to Today’s Novel Roads A Fert, M Chshiev, A Thiaville, H Yang – Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2023
Observation and formation mechanism of 360° domain wall rings in Synthetic Anti-Ferromagnets with interlayer chiral interactions …, D McGrouther, S McVitie, S Flewett, N Jaouen… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Paramagnon dispersion and damping in doped Na2-xCaxCuO2Cl2 …, H Miao, D Santos-Cottin, B Lenz, S Biermann… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Role of intersublattice exchange interaction on ultrafast longitudinal and transverse magnetization dynamics in Permalloy …, F Fras, M Vomir, Y Brelet, V Halté, JY Bigot… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Voltage-based magnetization switching and reading in magnetoelectric spin-orbit nanodevices …, B Prasad, R Ramesh, A Vecchiola, M Bibes… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
2) Supraconductivité et ordres en compétition
Low-energy spin excitations in optimally doped CaFe0.88Co0.12AsF superconductor studied with inelastic neutron scattering M Ma, P Bourges, Y Sidis, A Ivanov, G Chen, Z Ren… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Ion-selective scattering studied by the variable-energy electron irradiation of Ba0.2K0.8Fe2As2 $ superconductor K Cho, M Konczykowski, MA Tanatar, II Mazin, Y Liu… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Low-Temperature Magnetic Fluctuations Investigated by 125Te-NMR on the Uranium-Based Superconductor UTe2 …, Y Shimizu, Y Homma, D Li, F Honda, D Aoki – Journal of the Physical …, 2023
Large Reduction in the $ a $-axis Knight Shift on UTe2 with T c= 2.1 K …, Y Shimizu, Y Homma, D Li, F Honda, D Aoki – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Investigating the electronic states of UTe2 using X-ray spectroscopy …, JP Sanchez, D Braithwaite, G Knebel, G Lapertot… – Communications Physics, 2023
3) Autres phénomènes émergents dans les systèmes corrélés
B) Etats électroniques non‐conventionnels dans les phases topologiques et les systèmes confinés
Gate and Temperature Driven Phase Transitions in Few-Layer MoTe2 …, N Pistawala, L Harnagea, S Singh, A Shukla – ACS nano, 2023
Hydrogenic Spin-Valley states of the Bromine donor in 2H-MoTe2 …, LR Sop, D Pierucci, A Ouerghi, JL Cantin, B Leridon… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Metal-insulator crossover in monolayer MoS2 I Castillo, T Sohier, M Paillet, D Cakiroglu, C Consejo… – Nanotechnology, 2023
Atomic-layer controlled THz Spintronic emission from Epitaxially grown Two dimensional PtSe2/ferromagnet heterostructures …, F Ibrahim, C Vergnaud, A Marty, JY Veuillen, P Mallet… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Pressure–enhanced fractional Chern insulators in moiré transition metal dichalcogenides along a magic line N Morales-Durán, J Wang, GR Schleder, M Angeli… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Coexistence and coupling of ferroelectricity and magnetism in an oxide two-dimensional electron gas …, C Piamonteze, J Varignon, M Salluzzo, M Bibes – Nature Physics, 2023
Spin-Hall Current and Nonlocal Transport in Ferromagnet-Free Multi-band models for Sr Ti O_3-Based Nanodevices in the presence of impurities D Giuliano, A Nava, CA Perroni, M Bibes, F Trier… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Superfluid response of two-dimensional filamentary superconductors …, RC Budhani, C Feuillet-Palma, J Lesueur, N Bergeal… – arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023
Disorder-Induced Magnetotransport Anomalies in Amorphous and Textured Co1–x Si x Semimetal Thin Films …, S Tchoumakov, S Franca, J Gooth, S Fratini… – ACS Applied Electronic …, 2023
Effect of electron irradiation on the magnetotransport properties of half-Heusler topological semimetal GdPtBi O Pavlosiuk, P Wiśniewski, R Grasset, M Konczykowski
C) Matériaux et propriétés électroniques non‐conventionnelles
1) Recherche exploratoire et caractérisation de nouveaux composés
Revisiting the Crystal Structure of Layered Oxychalcogenides Ln2O2S2 (Ln= La, Pr, and Nd) , LB Mvele, S Sasaki, C Latouche, P Deniard, E Janod, I Braems, S Jobic, L Cario – Inorganic Chemistry, 2023
2) Maitrise des structures et des propriétés aux différentes dimensions
D) Développements expérimentaux et théoriques
E) Autres (thèmes voisins du GDR)
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