5 mars 2021 : 1ere mini-rencontre MEETICC du vendredi

Les mini-rencontres MEETICC du vendredi

Mini-rencontre 5 mars 2021 (abstracts disponibles sur ce lien):

Animateur :  Victor Balédent (LPS Orsay)

Slides Vidéos
13:30 – 14:10 – Structural characterization of nanomaterials through anomal diffraction (Christophe LEFEVRE, IPCMS Strasbourg)
14:30 – 14:50 – Complex magnetism in high pressure 3d metal oxides (Elena SOLANA-MADRUGA, UCCS Lille)
14:50 – 15:10 – Resolving the enigmatic high-field behaviour of CeRhIn5 (Sanu MISHRA, LNCMI Grenoble)
15:10 – 15:30 – Strange metal from incoherent bosons (Anurag BANERJEE, IPhT, CEA Paris-Saclay)



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